Want to save lives with code? Consider doing some binary giving. Today a team is working some features for the Mobile Kids ID App which helps keep kids safe and respond if and when the unthinkable happens. Checkout the blurb below and some the intersting use cases this solution is aimed at solving.
Mobile Kids ID Kit
The intent of the app is to help parents keep up to date information on their kids, and to provide parents with relevant information to keep their kids safe and what to do if they can’t find their child. This app is created in collaboration with Missing Children Minnesota. Check out the full project details here.
Want to get involved?
As a shameless plug for more binary giving, if you are attending That Conference this year we are running a two day give camp Sat/Sun August 4th and 5th. If you are interested please register at http://tickets.thatconference.com/. Tickets for the GiveCamp are free!